Category Archives: ART

The Frog and I

To become a princess I kissed my pet frog,

But now my friends think my brain’s a hollow log,

Filled only with empty smog.  

My frog hopped away.

No doubt that it no longer wanted to stay.

Why does everyone eventually go away?

But no- what’s that? Do I hear a ribbit, ribbit, ribbit?

Well I’ll be darned! My frog has leapt back.

It’s webbed fingers grasp a crown, one fit for a princess. For me! I don’t believe it!

My friends are watching. What a comeback!

Thank for reading this poem, leave a comment if you liked it :>

Janya signing out~

My Mother’s Sweater

I borrowed you, my mother’s sweater.

Oh how you glitter like gold. 

You’re perfect, just perfect for December weather

when it becomes windy and cold.

You embrace me in your woolen arms,

woven delicately with the finest Cashmere.

God’s greatest creation isn’t mankind, it’s you.

You delight me with your charms. 

I want to pack you in my suitcase for a trip to Kashmir.

I, for you, without a doubt will disregard my curfew.

I only borrowed you, my mother’s sweater.

But I never want to leave your cozy, warm snug-fitting sleeves.

You were passionately woven, like words strung together in a love letter.

You make me reminiscent of pumpkin spice and autumn leaves. 

Oh beloved, precious sweater, I’ve decided to never return you…

Not even to my own mother.

I can tell you’d like to stay with me too from the glow of your pearly, white button eyes.

Your smile leaves behind creases and wrinkles for me to find like presents brand-new.

Don’t worry, I will never entrust you to another.

My ears fight to hear your soul-stirring, sweet voice amidst the wind’s cries.

Thank you for reading this poem 😀

Janya signing out~

Highs & Lows

Hi readers, I hope you enjoy this poem 🙂

We’ve been hitting our highs and lows

Heads underwater; past the depth that we could rise from

But now we’re back on cloud nine; higher than any other

Can’t hang on nor let go

We’re fixing it only to break it once more

Not ready to dive in nor chicken out

We’re not dead yet but we’re not alive either

We’re so deep in this shallow love

Each time we restart we hit undo

We can’t backspace anymore

Your highs are my lows

The end is inevitable

Why must we persist

Why can’t we

j u s t

l e t

g o

– Janya signing out

Works Cited

Kane, Clinton, et al. Fix It to Break It, Los Angeles, California, 27 Mar. 2020.

“Ode to my Mother”

Hi readers,

Here is a poem I wrote for school. The poem is dedicated to my mother. The five stanzas each represent the five different senses.

“Ode to My Mother”  

Obsidian eyes that reflect back fortitude 
paired with her compassionate warm, heartfelt smile.

A vast range of tones and accents, 
Each word with its own expression;
Just like waves flowing towards the shore 
Forging its own path.

Even after she departs, 
The lovely scent of coconut and freshly picked roses 
Remain present for a while.

Her warm skin velvety and smooth 
Just like the puffy clouds drifting apart in the evening sky

Exotic flavors and cozy spices 
Exploding like fireworks in one bite; 
All homemade in her unique style.

She is . . .

My mother.

Thank you for reading! 🙂

– Janya signing out

Conan Gray – Crush Culture 🎈

Hi readers,

I really enjoy listening to Conan Gray’s music so I was inspired created this drawing of them. I reccomend you to check out their songs. Share your favorite song by them in the comments! 🙂

– Janya signing out ❤

Watercolor Wonder

Hey everyone,

The miniature polaroid painting above was created using watercolors and a fine liner. The purpose of this creation was to practice drawing in foreground, middleground, and background. Don’t forget to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!

– Janya signing out

Robert & the Moon

Greetings fellow readers,

Below are illustrations I created for my science storybook project relating to moon myths. The project involved coming up with an mythical/sci-fi explanation for eclipses, craters, and moon phases.

– Janya signing out

Jett, Kenma Kozume Recreations

Hi Readers,

here are my recreations of existing art pieces…

Redrawing* Jett, an agent in Valorant

I was requested to recreate an existing drawing of Jett by one of my friends. 🙂

(*Credit to Creator of Original Version: Nickmoscovitz

Redrawing* Kenma Kozume from Haikyuu

Haikyuu is one of my favorite animation series! I recommend you to watch it.

(*Credit to Creator of Original Watercolor Version: arinyxxx)

Note: These pieces are mostly an attempt at an exact recreation of the original. However, there are few/minor stylistic or accommodative changes in my versions of the original. The aim is for the recreations to mostly represent the likeness of the original because the goal/intention is to practice various skills (loose lines, shading, and using references) by attempt to exactly recreate art which were originally in different styles I am not familiar with. Original Version Credit: Nickmoscovitz, arinyxxx)

– Janya signing out

Hanako and Yashiro Nene

Hi Readers,

Here is a drawing of characters from a animation series called Toilet-bound Hanako-kun which was requested by a friend of mine for their birthday.

– Janya signing out

Collection of Light Sketches

Hi Readers,

Here are a collection of sketches inspired by favorite animation series and some of my original characters…

Jules‘ from Carmen Sandiego

Catra and She-Ra‘ from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

OC Sketches

Cute doodles of Various Things

– Janya signing out

Guess Who? Portrait Drawing

Hi readers,

I created this portrait drawing (of the mystery person), a couple weeks ago. I was practicing blending techniques and I overall like how it turned out especially the eyes. I want to improve on the proportions of her face. I’m also excited to say I’m working on part two of “No One to Trust Except Sisters” I’m trying to come up with an new, interesting title! Here’s the link to part one: If you have any suggestions for the title or if you figured out who the mystery person in my drawing is share them in the comments. I hope you liked this post. 😀

– Janya signing off

(PS: I will reveal the mystery person, probably next week—check this post again later to find out….)

It’s supposed to be Ariana Grande 😀

Lynn + Flower Girl

Happy New Year everyone,

The first drawing, “Lynn”, was made digitally. I used my traditional drawing of “Elise” for the sketch base. This allowed me to focus more on the highlights and using transparency for blending skin tones. This time I didn’t use black lineart. I like how she’s staring into the distance and not directly facing the viewer. It reminds of vermeer’s “Girl with the Pearl Earring” painting. The second drawing , “Flower girl”, was really fun to create using bright colors. The colors were actually randomly picked, except for the black and brown I used. I’m still getting used to the different texture of my new sketchbook.

The Rare Pink Elf

Hi readers,

Here’s one of my recent art pieces of an elf made using color pencils. The name of this character is Elise she’s adventurous, friendly, and kind of a “go with the flow” elf. At first I wasn’t going create this illustration based on the color pink but once I used pink as the base for the face —-wow that rhymes—-I kept on going. I ended up making the eyes a bright orange so they stand out. This is also the first time I drew a 3/4 face. If you want to share ideas or theories about why Elise may be all pink comment below.

Serene Oasis

Hi everyone,

I’m an artist who likes to expand my artistic territory so I attempted digital art for the first time. At first I wasn’t sure exactly what I was going to draw but I settled on a serene scenery. I decided to play with the transparency a little bit which allowed me to layer. This art piece was really interesting to create.

-Janya signing off

Once In a Lifetime

Hi everyone!

Today is an once in a lifetime date! That means that this date “10/15/20” will never come again. So that’s why I created a art piece to commemorate 10/15/20. I used colored pencils– my favorite art supply.  I included a banner near the top of the piece stating “Once in a lifetime.” I drew the antique clock, Earth  and the bird (Scarlet Macaw) to visualize  how time “flies” around the Earth. The movie tape shows 0.0333333333 because 10 divided by 15 divided by 20 is a repeating decimal. I really like how the planets turned out what’s your favorite aspect of this drawing?

– Janya signing off

😃 😄 😁

Flower girl + Poem

Hi readers,

I hope you’re all somewhere cozy cause I got a lot to say. I just finished sketching this girl with graphite pencils. I kind of had her face pictured in my head… what do you think her name should be? The hardest part was actually the hair– something I definitely didn’t expect. While I was working on this I tried to soften up features using a blending stump. SInce i’m a leftie my hand got pretty messy while I was working with the graphite pencils. When I draw I start with a idea as a base and end up someplace new by the end– that’s what I really love about art!😃

Okay here’s the poem part….


To dream, is to wish.

Just Ambitions.

But reality is a winding stairway,

to your goals and objectives.

constructed of



and success.

You need to  learn to make a  fire,

without a spark.

Using your passion to forever pursue.

To risk, is to jump

into the abyss of chance.

Endless possibilities…

one true outcome

To fear is to think of the future,

What can happen?

What might?

Sometimes all you need to hear is…

Everything has its place

and so do you.

-Janya signing off!

Avenue of Art Creations🎨

Summer-y Watercolor art

” With this challenge I tried to approach summer in a different view”

Fruity marker container + Giraffe
Recycled Craft: Bear fishing + Ice cream cone

“This craft was not only fun to make but it also helped recycle some materials”

Turquoise tie-dye with a bird painting

Hi everyone, last month Evin and Kaelyn co-hosted a blog contest called Avenue of Art and one called Summer of stories— you know which one I participated in! 😉 By the way you should totally check out their blogs and maybe participate if they host the contest again.

@A Curly Sue’s Ramblings!! and @Kaelynslife

My favorite challenge from the Avenue of Art contest was creating a summer inspired watercolor painting (this challenge was the first). One of the reasons this one was my favorite challenge was because I never officially worked with watercolors before. Did you know for the tye-dye painting I created a new species by mixing the features of two different birds species? Comment below on which creation you like the best.

– Janya signing off!

Cats in Space: 3d art

Hello everyone ,

I created this art piece using color pencils and some markers. The reason I prefer using color pencils over markers are because (if used correctly) there are no visible strokes. I was inspired to make this art piece when I was watching a video about 3d art. It’s 3d by the way, I don’t think you can tell using the picture. I took up a cartoon style for this drawing and I really like how it turned out. Thank you for reading!

– Janya signing out

5 unique character drawings

Hello everyone,

I drew this art piece using color pencils. While I was drawing this I really took more time (than usual) to focus on the position, color scheme, and the character of the person. Next time I think would like to focus more on expressions. I think the girl in the center with the green jacket is my favorite character so far since I really like how she turned out.

Which drawing do you like the most?

– Janya signing off😄😄

Exquisite Strawberry Chocolate Cake

Hello everyone,

I created this drawing using color pencils my favorite art media. I drew this cake because I was watching baking shows and wanted to create my own dessert. The cake has three tiers. The bases are made of delicious strawberry cake. The layers are assembled with strawberry frosting and drizzled with delicate chocolate syrup on top. Mini chocolate cake pops are placed on top of each layer. The base of the cake is tied with a fondant bow. Finally, the third lay is topped with chocolate sprinkles, frosting, chocolate pieces and lastly black and white iced cookies.

– Janya signing off

Harry Potter Drawing

Hey everyone,

I created the drawing above using pencils of Harry Potter a character from a famous book series written by J.K Rowling. I like the way the drawing turned out especially since I don’t shade or make pencil drawings a lot. Comment below on “who’s your favorite Harry Potter Series character?”

Shoutout to Anita aunty for inspiring me by sharing artwork of her niece.

– Janya signing out

Floral line art: Peony, Rose🌻🌹



Hi everyone,

So these are the floral line art pieces I learned to do while taking an online lesson. I learned some pretty useful skills.

Comment below on what’s your favorite plant species.

– Janya signing off!



A Mermaid Introduced to the Wizarding World


Hey everyone,

recently I had an idea fixed on how mermaids would be like if they went to Hogwarts or if they were introduced to the wizarding world. So here’s the result. I was kind of on the fence of sorting her in Gryfinndor or Ravenclaw, but in the end I chose Gryfinndor  because I felt like it would fit her personality. Now she’s wearing waterproof clothing, just letting you know. I gave her a seaweed cape, hat, pet seahorse, and other accessories.  (I honestly think she looks a lot like Tina Goldstein from Fantastic Beasts)

– Janya Signing off!



Sophie Foster: Drawing


Hey everyone,

this morning I drew Sophie Foster from the “Keeper of the Lost Cities” series by Shannon Messenger (I recommend you to read them!) The drawing was made with – you guessed it – color pencils.

– A bit about Sophie-

Sophie Foster:

Sophie is the main protagonist (leading character) in the “Keeper of the Lost Cities” series. Sophie Foster is fierce, brave & stands for what’s right. She struggles to fit in with her complicated role, she was made for. She has numerous super-abilities (Polyglot, Inflicter, telepath, teleporter and enhancer!) that extremely powerful for her age. Sophie has a unique perspective compared to others and is stuck between two lives. While an outcast in the human-world. In the Lost Cities surrounded by her family (Grady and Edaline) and her friends (Dex, Fitz, Biana, Marella, Linh, Keefe Tam and Jensi) which is helpful especially since she has some incredibly powerful enemies. 

excerpted from

–  Janya Signing Off!


Redrawing Art!


witch painting

Hey everyone,

today I attempted  to redraw one of my Halloween drawings from two years ago! As you might have noticed I did add some additional changes to the art. I think it turned out pretty good (could work on the hand, to be honest).  I personally feel like I’ve improved (both technically and visually),

let me know what you think in the comments!

– Janya signing off!

Happy Father’s day! ~ Cards Ideas


Bonjour, everyone!

Father’s day is a special day to celebrate amazing fathers or fatherly figures  from across the world! Appreciate them with  words of gratitude or a handmade gift to make their day! Here are some idea above, in the picture.

– Janya signing off

DIY Wands

Hi readers,

most of us are probably stuck in quarantine drowning in boredom,

well fear not, here is the step- by -step instructions on how to make wands inspired by the wizarding world!

This craft is for all (muggles, witches, and wizards alike)

Size: It’s possible to make wands that range from 7 inches – 12 inches (from what i’ve tried) If you’re going to make a 9 inch wand or larger make sure to stuff it with paper.)


1 Sheet of paper ( preferably printer paper),

the longer your paper is the larger your wand.

glue/tape or cast Epoximise.

Markers, or your preferred media to color with.

Embellishments to decorate your wand (ex.

Washi tape, glitter, etc.)


First all you need to do is color (using your choice of media), you can use any color(s) but I’m using woody shades. You can create vertical or horizontal lines, after you color in a solid rectangle. Cut it out and roll it into a cylinder.


Once you have rolled a cylinder, pull out the rolled paper from the inside, creating a wand- like shape. Secure the end with glue.

Color in more lines creating a solid rectangle. Cut out long strips of paper. Use glue to attach the strips to parts (especially the base) of the wand (by rolling/wrapping it around the wand, to create texture. Now you can stop here, or go a little further.


Now this is the fun part, it’s time to add embellishments to your wand. You can use washi tape, glitter, decorative stones and more!

Don’t forget to send pictures of your wands and comment below what’s your favorite Harry Potter Book/Movie!

From here you’re on your own, you have three choices to choose from– to make more wands, learn a couple useful spells or dream of the possibilities.

-Janya Signing off

Images Belong To Janyasmagicalworld*, To make images larger, open it in a new tab*

Drawing Characters


Hi everyone, I drew these characters in the same style.

This is a drawing of a OC (Original character), I had  in my head for a while now.  I’m still figuring out a backstory for this character. Let’s call her Lynn for now. I’m not overly pleased with how I drew the hand, but it’s  better than how I usually draw it. (Just a heads up, you might see more of her later.)


This drawing is of a forest half-elf.


This is just a cartoonish drawing of two sisters.

-Janya signing off


Thank you to everyone who reads/views/comments (on) my blog.

The Mystery Blogger Award and The Food Award

Hi everyone, welcome to my blog!

The Mystery Blogger Award:

First of  all, thank you for nominating me, Lrose5! Make sure to checkout her two amazing blogs. and

The award rules:

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog (see above)
  3. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well (This award was created by Okoto Enigmas.)
  4. Answer the 5 questions you were asked, answer on your blog.
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  6. Nominate 10-20 people
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blogs
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question
  9. Share a link to your best post(s)

Lrose5’s questions:

  • Have you ever ridden a horse? Well I kind of did actually, horses are magnificent creatures!
  • Do you like western movies? Not really, unless they are over the top adventurous.
  • What are you allergic to? I’m not to anything, yet allergic.
  • Have you ever sat on top of a house? Never, but I think sounds like something I might like to do.
  • Do you like to paint? As an artist, I do love to paint, it’s just another way to express yourself!

Three things about myself:

My favorite hobbies are reading and creating art.

My favorite color is turquoise (honestly, I love almost all colors) 

I also have an irrational fear of  butterflies.

I nominate:

Ava Tripathy

The Wild Coach

Here are the questions:

  • Which animal do you most connect with?
  • Have you ever seen a koala?
  • Have you ever touched snow?
  • Do you play an instrument?
  • What’s one thing you would say to your future/past self?

The Food Award:

Thank you so much Vrose,
Do check out her inspiring blog, click the link

The rules:

  1. Thank The person who nominated you (Irose5)
  2. Pingback to the creator, Elisha at
  3. Use the same featured image as your nominator.
  4. Answer the five questions.
  5. Create five questions about food.
  6. Nominate five people.

 Vrose’s questions: 

  • Do You Like Mango? Partially,  it’s  one of the most delicious tropical fruits.
  • Do You Like Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches? They are truly  delicious, I ate them for the first time at science camp.
  • How Do You Like Your Steak? thoroughly cooked, with a touch of spices.
  • What’s your favorite snack to eat on a long car trip? Chips/Pretzels. 
  • Do You Like Pepperoni Pizza or Cheese? Ooh, this is hard but I vouch for pepperoni because it tastes the best with pineapple slices.

 I nominate:


The Questions:

  • What’s your favorite tropical fruit?
  • Which restaurant have you been at the most?
  • What do you prefer sweet/spicy/sour/salty/bitter?
  • What type of food best explains your personality?
  • Which dessert do you dislike the most?
–  Janya Signing off

Perseverance, Determination, and Passion

  Hi everyone,

I  drew these two pictures about a year ago,

the left one first, then the right one.

I  colored in these drawing with color pencils.

It represents perseverance and determination.

Because everyone in the world goes through tough times,

but to be honest  not all of us make it through.

Even if you know you’re not going to make it, do it anyway.

So the next time you’re faced with (a) challenge, change, or tough times.

Keeping going, put passion ahead of you, make the best of it,

accept it’s actually happening and push through it.

That’s all it takes.

– Janya signing off

comment below and follow my blog, thank you.

Have a spectacular day!



Billie Eilish Drawing


Hi everyone,

this is a color pencil  portrait of Billie Eilish, I also used a white gel pen and a fine-tip black pen. It took me about 2- 3 days to finish it.  I drew the circles to compliment her earrings.   Thank you to everyone who reads my blog. Comment below, what’s your favorite Billie Eilish song.

Janya signing off!


Creatures of the Earth


Hey everyone,

this drawing was done in a cartoon style, with mostly curved lines and less detail using color pencils.  I used  small strokes that were evident. Remember to care for animals and show them some love (some animals might be dangerous but you can  help /protect them in different ways).

– Janya signing off!


True Reflections: perspectives


Hi everyone, 

I created this acrylic painting to represent perspective/reflections

What do you see?

    1. a girl looking over  her reflection and how she sees herself now/ in her future/who she  represents.                                           

    2.  two figures looking over each other  with opposite perspectives of the world.

     3.  A human and a mermaid noticing each other’s struggles as thorns in each of their lives.

    4.   two figures in the snow, gazing at the sky.
    5. A girl picturing herself as who she is at heart ♥.
     6. Something you can’t describe.

7. If you picture something different/ or familiarize with something listed here  comment down below on what your perspective is.

 – Janya signing out

Reach the skies


Hello readers,

Today is a very exciting day because *cue drum-roll*, it is my blog’s anniversary!

It has officially been 3 years since I started my blog.  So to celebrate this special day, I took on painting.

In my painting I created a scene with a lake

That inspires you to wonder and awake

With skies of red and yellow

Creates a spark of mellow

Shades of blue sparkling at noon

The water reflecting the  moon

The stars of knowledge in the gradient skies

with an isolated moon to watch them fall and rise

the hill top on which no-one stood

one sail-boat decides it could

– Janya signing out!

A Fierce Dragon Watching Over the Universe

IMG_4805Hi readers, remember to stay safe, smart, and strong!

I finished the drawing of this detailed dragon today,

this art piece was made  with color pencil,

outlined in black pen and embellishments were added with a uni-ball Figno gel pen.

I used only (excluding black and white) shades of blue and green.

I love it’s fierce look and I’m pretty excited about it since it is only my second dragon.

Thank to everyone who reads my blog!

– Janya signing off!

Water Dragons inspired by the one and only Nessie!

IMG_4818 Hi everyone, I hope you’re doing great!

These water dragons were drawn in color pencil,

lined in black pen and embellishments

where added with the white uni-ball gel pen.

I used the relatives of cool colors for the

dragon on the right and a mix of warm colors

for the dragon on the left.

– Janya signing out!

Happy Easter!

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Hi everyone,  happy Easter! I  decided to paint/sketch  Easter eggs, I used brush, metallic, and gel pens/markers. I have pictures of them above accompanied with nicknames and a title stating happy Easter. Comment below which one you like best.

– Janya signing off!

Minnie, going back to 1928


This is the first time I drew Minnie, I like the way it turned out. It’s fun to step back and draw cartoon characters. I used only a few classic colors ( Noir Black, Rose Red, Yellow Ochre,  White Quartz and a little bit of Space Gray.)

– Janya signing off


 No One to Trust Except Sisters

Winner of Short Story Contest: Janya, (12-14 Age Category), Milpitas Library

November 2019

 No One to Trust Except Sisters             

The thin wispy clouds were tangled with the twilight sky. I stared out the open car window, the wind combing through my long, dark tresses. “Are we there yet?” I asked my eldest sister, Cassie for the fifty seventh time no eighty seventh time. “Almost, just around the corner, Liz.” Replied Cassie. I looked at Suzanne, my younger sister facing the window. I put my hand in hers, she turned and her almond colored eyes met with mine. “Don’t be nervous, Suzanne” I told her softly. “I’m not” She replied hastily a clear sign she was.

Our parents Mrs. and Mr. Caraway usually come with us but as world travelers they had a last minute project. So Cassie, Suzanne and I are on our own to the Heather family home, they were our cousins or so we were told.

Cassie parked the car. We each carried our suitcases and stepped in unison toward the wooden cabin-like house. The porch stairs creaked. I looked to the side and noticed a stone statue of a dwarf, its mouth in an ugly frown, one of its spindly arms raised up, palm forward. As if it was saying “Stop, don’t go in!” I raised my hand toward the door, then paused. “Why don’t you knock?” I tell Suzanne. “I can’t even reach it!” she complained. “Ugh enough, I’ll do it!” Cassie shouted over our voices.  “Sisters!” she mumbled, about to knock Cassie lifted her hand “Creeaak!” The door opened revealing a lady her hair with streaks of gray tied in a bun. Her gray eyes tired but she was persistent to keep a smile. “Oh welcome Lizzian, Cassie, and…” She looked at Suzanne searching her mind. “Suzanne.” I finished for her. “Oh yes, sorry about that, I’m Mrs. Heather.” “Come in girls you are going to have so much fun, but we’ll leave today for rest since you must be so tired, your room is down the corridor, and Mr. Heather will be back in the morning.

After Mrs. Heather left, we heard “Un deux trois …” then a small “Hello?” broke the silence. We turned around to find a tiny girl, her brown hair short and bangs right over her brows. “My name is Louise, I’ll show you your room.” She said. “My name is Cassie and they are–” Cassie was cut off by Louise “- Lizzian and Suzanne.” Louise finished. “What are you waiting for?” Louise proclaimed.

We followed Louise down the narrow hallway. “So let me guess, parents are busy and you have to spend rest of your summer here.” Louise said casually. “How did you know?” I retorted. “I know everything besides, Ma tells me everything.” Louise replied. “But Mrs. Heather didn’t say anything about you.” Suzanne told Louise before I could stop her. Louise didn’t say anything but I could tell she was frowning even in the dark.

“Here’s your room.” she said. We walked in the room, waited for our eyes to adjust to the light and dropped our suitcases in the corner. The walls were mint green and white. The bed had red reindeer designs all over, beside it a bright red closet.  . There was one tall window with a red frame. It appeared to be the most colorful part of  the house. “It looks like Christmas in here.” Cassie remarked. “Oui, Ma used to be obsessed with Christmas and winter… until…” Louise said softly looking like she was about to let out a few tears. “Good night, Caraways!” she said instead, smiling then she left. I threw myself against the bed, Suzanne and Cassie joined in. “Good night.” I whispered. “Good Night” they whispered back in a chorus. I somehow fell asleep in the cold, hard bed.

“Thud, thud, thud ….. Thud, thud, thud” Suzanne got up, peered through the window and screamed. I woke up still hazy. Hitting her head against the window was a cloaked girl. Her skin white and gray and terribly frostbitten. Her eyes replaced by empty sockets. She jumped at the window and vanished. We heard a deep growl. “Sue, come here! “I tugged her arm. We stood there frozen with fear. Cassie woke up “What are you doing?”

“There was” – I caught my breath, “a girl with frostbite, banging on the window!” “With no eyeballs!!!” Suzanne added making it kind of unbelievable. “Yeah! Right I’m sooooo scared!!” Cassie said sarcastically. “Next time keep the tomfoolery to yourself!” Cassie shouted. “They are not lying, I saw her too” said a soft voice. We turned to see Louise. “I saw her, she spoke to me, and she wants you to leave… forever and…” Louise continued. We heard another growl as the floor broke into two, the wooden floor boards breaking in groans. “Caraways!!” said a disembodied voice, “It’s time to wake up!”

I gasped, it was Mrs. Heather “Breakfast time!” she said cheerfully. I looked at my sisters “we need to talk” I mouthed. We hastily ate our pancakes and thanked Mrs. and Mr. Heather. Cassie finished first then left for a while. I wondered why Louise didn’t come for breakfast. Louise however decided to come along for the meeting. We all sat around a pink rug in Louise’s room. Awkward silence. “So I had a weird dream,” I started then explained everything. Their eyes opened wide as I spoke, apparently they had the exact same dream. “This is not normal, you have to leave now” Louise said loudly then softly she added “connected dreams are a bad sign.”

Mrs. Heather came in “Girls, you have to try my lemon cookies”. “No thanks” we replied. “All Caraways are allergic to lemon” I lied when she looked at me persistently, I didn’t want to try anything from this house anymore. “Alright” she said in a rough tone. My sisters eyed me. When Mrs. Heather left the room, glass shattered behind us. It was the window, the curtain flew up to revealing a storm outside. “I’ll tell my Ma about this,” said Louise leaving the room.

“Did you see her locket?” I asked my sisters. “It has the picture of the cloaked girl we saw; with the words ‘Always in Remembrance’.” “She looked like Louise, does that mean Louise … is the girl?”  My sisters’ faces turned white in horror. “But that’s not possible, let’s just leave.”

“Mrs. Heather can we go to the park?” I asked trying to smile. “It’s raining cats and dogs.” She replied. “That’s what makes it so fun, besides we have plenty of umbrellas.” Piped in Suzanne with the most adorable face. “Fine.” said Mrs. Heather. Clearly she was holding a grudge for the cookie incident. “Thank you so much Mrs. Heather!” I said.

“Let’s get into our car and leave.” I whispered, “What about our stuff?” Suzanne asked. “It’s in our car, I packed it in this morning, so we could leave.” Cassie flushed red.

We drove for an hour, our minds tangled in a million thoughts.

“Thud. Thud. Thud!”

Suzanne screamed, “It’s her, it’s her!!” “You think you can just leave?” asked a familiar voice. The girl’s hood was off, she was tiny with short brown hair and bangs. She was frostbitten and her eyes were dark. It was LOUISE!

Louise was in front of our car, banging on the window. She seemed to be getting weaker, she became pale and transparent. Louise screeched “Come back, reviens maintenant!!” “Don’t look, don’t listen!” screamed Cassie. She drove at breakneck speed.

Finally we lost her. I hugged Suzanne tightly. “I’ve got your back and I know you’ve got mine.” Suzanne whispered. “Always.” I whispered back!