Category Archives: SKETCHES

Conan Gray – Crush Culture 🎈

Hi readers,

I really enjoy listening to Conan Gray’s music so I was inspired created this drawing of them. I reccomend you to check out their songs. Share your favorite song by them in the comments! 🙂

– Janya signing out ❤

Jett, Kenma Kozume Recreations

Hi Readers,

here are my recreations of existing art pieces…

Redrawing* Jett, an agent in Valorant

I was requested to recreate an existing drawing of Jett by one of my friends. 🙂

(*Credit to Creator of Original Version: Nickmoscovitz

Redrawing* Kenma Kozume from Haikyuu

Haikyuu is one of my favorite animation series! I recommend you to watch it.

(*Credit to Creator of Original Watercolor Version: arinyxxx)

Note: These pieces are mostly an attempt at an exact recreation of the original. However, there are few/minor stylistic or accommodative changes in my versions of the original. The aim is for the recreations to mostly represent the likeness of the original because the goal/intention is to practice various skills (loose lines, shading, and using references) by attempt to exactly recreate art which were originally in different styles I am not familiar with. Original Version Credit: Nickmoscovitz, arinyxxx)

– Janya signing out

Collection of Light Sketches

Hi Readers,

Here are a collection of sketches inspired by favorite animation series and some of my original characters…

Jules‘ from Carmen Sandiego

Catra and She-Ra‘ from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

OC Sketches

Cute doodles of Various Things

– Janya signing out

Guess Who? Portrait Drawing

Hi readers,

I created this portrait drawing (of the mystery person), a couple weeks ago. I was practicing blending techniques and I overall like how it turned out especially the eyes. I want to improve on the proportions of her face. I’m also excited to say I’m working on part two of “No One to Trust Except Sisters” I’m trying to come up with an new, interesting title! Here’s the link to part one: If you have any suggestions for the title or if you figured out who the mystery person in my drawing is share them in the comments. I hope you liked this post. 😀

– Janya signing off

(PS: I will reveal the mystery person, probably next week—check this post again later to find out….)

It’s supposed to be Ariana Grande 😀

Flower girl + Poem

Hi readers,

I hope you’re all somewhere cozy cause I got a lot to say. I just finished sketching this girl with graphite pencils. I kind of had her face pictured in my head… what do you think her name should be? The hardest part was actually the hair– something I definitely didn’t expect. While I was working on this I tried to soften up features using a blending stump. SInce i’m a leftie my hand got pretty messy while I was working with the graphite pencils. When I draw I start with a idea as a base and end up someplace new by the end– that’s what I really love about art!😃

Okay here’s the poem part….


To dream, is to wish.

Just Ambitions.

But reality is a winding stairway,

to your goals and objectives.

constructed of



and success.

You need to  learn to make a  fire,

without a spark.

Using your passion to forever pursue.

To risk, is to jump

into the abyss of chance.

Endless possibilities…

one true outcome

To fear is to think of the future,

What can happen?

What might?

Sometimes all you need to hear is…

Everything has its place

and so do you.

-Janya signing off!

5 unique character drawings

Hello everyone,

I drew this art piece using color pencils. While I was drawing this I really took more time (than usual) to focus on the position, color scheme, and the character of the person. Next time I think would like to focus more on expressions. I think the girl in the center with the green jacket is my favorite character so far since I really like how she turned out.

Which drawing do you like the most?

– Janya signing off😄😄

Harry Potter Drawing

Hey everyone,

I created the drawing above using pencils of Harry Potter a character from a famous book series written by J.K Rowling. I like the way the drawing turned out especially since I don’t shade or make pencil drawings a lot. Comment below on “who’s your favorite Harry Potter Series character?”

Shoutout to Anita aunty for inspiring me by sharing artwork of her niece.

– Janya signing out

Floral line art: Peony, Rose🌻🌹



Hi everyone,

So these are the floral line art pieces I learned to do while taking an online lesson. I learned some pretty useful skills.

Comment below on what’s your favorite plant species.

– Janya signing off!



Happy Father’s day! ~ Cards Ideas


Bonjour, everyone!

Father’s day is a special day to celebrate amazing fathers or fatherly figures  from across the world! Appreciate them with  words of gratitude or a handmade gift to make their day! Here are some idea above, in the picture.

– Janya signing off

Drawing Characters


Hi everyone, I drew these characters in the same style.

This is a drawing of a OC (Original character), I had  in my head for a while now.  I’m still figuring out a backstory for this character. Let’s call her Lynn for now. I’m not overly pleased with how I drew the hand, but it’s  better than how I usually draw it. (Just a heads up, you might see more of her later.)


This drawing is of a forest half-elf.


This is just a cartoonish drawing of two sisters.

-Janya signing off


Thank you to everyone who reads/views/comments (on) my blog.

Perseverance, Determination, and Passion

  Hi everyone,

I  drew these two pictures about a year ago,

the left one first, then the right one.

I  colored in these drawing with color pencils.

It represents perseverance and determination.

Because everyone in the world goes through tough times,

but to be honest  not all of us make it through.

Even if you know you’re not going to make it, do it anyway.

So the next time you’re faced with (a) challenge, change, or tough times.

Keeping going, put passion ahead of you, make the best of it,

accept it’s actually happening and push through it.

That’s all it takes.

– Janya signing off

comment below and follow my blog, thank you.

Have a spectacular day!



Creatures of the Earth


Hey everyone,

this drawing was done in a cartoon style, with mostly curved lines and less detail using color pencils.  I used  small strokes that were evident. Remember to care for animals and show them some love (some animals might be dangerous but you can  help /protect them in different ways).

– Janya signing off!


Water Dragons inspired by the one and only Nessie!

IMG_4818 Hi everyone, I hope you’re doing great!

These water dragons were drawn in color pencil,

lined in black pen and embellishments

where added with the white uni-ball gel pen.

I used the relatives of cool colors for the

dragon on the right and a mix of warm colors

for the dragon on the left.

– Janya signing out!

Happy Easter!

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Hi everyone,  happy Easter! I  decided to paint/sketch  Easter eggs, I used brush, metallic, and gel pens/markers. I have pictures of them above accompanied with nicknames and a title stating happy Easter. Comment below which one you like best.

– Janya signing off!

Minnie, going back to 1928


This is the first time I drew Minnie, I like the way it turned out. It’s fun to step back and draw cartoon characters. I used only a few classic colors ( Noir Black, Rose Red, Yellow Ochre,  White Quartz and a little bit of Space Gray.)

– Janya signing off


Learn to draw eyes


As the year 2019 comes to an end, I would like to thank everyone for their love and cheers. As a Thank You gesture, I have a tutorial video for you!
Happy New Year!!!
Looking forward to many more magical adventures in 2020!

Check out my video tutorial on “How to draw eyes!”


Animal: Wolf🐺

This is my first attempt at a detailed wolf, I took some time looking at photographs of real wolves to draw this. It was satisfying to draw since it is one of my favorite animals.

Caption: Detailed portrait of a gray wolf.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Emblem

hogwarts emblemThe drawing  is the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Emblem.

In the upper left is the house of


The Gryffindor house was founded by Godric Gryffindor. Students sorted into Gryffindor by the sorting hat are known for their daring, courageous, brave and determinant character.

In the upper right


  The Slytherin House was founded by Salazar Slytherin. Slytherins are cunning, prideful, and ambitious.  

Lower left


Hufflepuff was founded by Helga Hufflepuff and  students sorted into hufflepuff are fair, humble and hardworking

Lower right


This house founded by Rowena Ravenclaw.  Students in Ravenclaw are known for their wisdom, knowledge, cleverness, perfection and sharpness .

Did you know?

The Hogwarts motto is to “ Never tickle a sleeping dragon!”

-Janya signing off!




The Lady in Black & White


The Lady in Black and White

Hi everyone, this is another piece I whipped up for a former sales event.

The contrast between the white paper and the black ink is very capturing to the eye.

The  young lady’s  dress itself is made up of various patterns.

I love the way the red neck piece, belt, bracelet and shoes accents the patterned dress.

I added a vague layer of lemon yellow around the figure, to capture the eye and to not have the  lady blending too  much with the other patterns.

That particular week I was in a streak with a lemon yellow touch.

I  especially enjoy drawing lots intricate patterns in black ink.

–  Janya  signing off!

⚜️Harry Potter⚜️

IMG_9579  This is the portrait I made of Harry Potter.

I also added Hedwig and a few other things as for what happened  in the books and  bit  of personality and a part of life.

If you liked this post comment below, follow my blog and/or like my posts.   I love how it turned out!

P.S. Don’t forget! 🙂  About the Pixel Billboard Contest,

Please Vote for Me

I have joined the billboard contest at Pixels. 

Here is my entry link to “Vote”

I would really appreciate your votes! Thank you. The last date for voting is 31st July, which is coming soon!\

PLEASE NOTE: The Drawing Above Is Not What I Entered In The Contest.

Father’s Day Card Ideas ~ To Bloom Creativity and Inspiration!

IMG_9588IMG_9590IMG_9592IMG_9596Hi friends, I made Father’s Day cards and I wanted to share these cards for inspiration, so you can show  your gratefulness and love to your father or fatherly figure(s).

Father’s Day is a  joyful celebration honoring fathers or fatherly figures and celebrating fatherhood. So I hope to inspire you to make your own card and fill it with admiration and thankfulness. Remember cards aren’t the only way to let your father know how grateful you are. A  gentle hug, kind words, a  warm smile or a reminder of how grateful you are is sweet too.

Happy Father’s Day!!!!!!!!

Enough reading  already, go ahead and make a card, you are welcome to share your cards here!

– Janya signing off!

Bold and bright, Dragoness of the rainbow arcs, and flying/dancing wonder



Hi readers, my school had a Flea Market: a market which was outdoor selling handmade crafts or art, store brought food, and other goods that can be second handed. Of course I was selling my art, these are a few of my magical art masterpieces, Bold and bright, Dragoness of the rainbow arcs, and flying/dancing wonder.

I hope you guys love my art work, please comment, share, and follow my blog. I always love support from all of you, it makes me feel so grateful and appreciated! More artwork coming up!

– Janya signing off

#CartoonItMyWay: Fluttershy, Carmen Sandiego, The Elf on the Shelf, and Mia

IMG_0158IMG_0172 (1)IMG_0170 (1)


Hi readers, it’s my second year of blogging so it is my blog anniversary I am very excited since I am going to celebrate by drawing  “Kawaii Art” my favorite new style of art so far this year! (👩‍🎨🎉🏆🎁🎈😁😃

But before that, meet…


Fluttershy one of the main characters of “Equestria Girls: Friendship is Magic”.  She is very shy and is uncertain about herself but with help from her friends she overcomes her fears.  She loves taking care  of animals/nature,  her pet is Angel, an adorable but sometimes picky bunny. Fluttershy also represents the element of kindness and butterflies represent her.

Carmen Sandiego: 💃

 Netflix’s Carmen Sandiego, la femme rouge has everyone on the edge of their seat! A brave, adventurous heroine, formerly raised on “The Villains’ International League of Evil (V.I.L.E. for short) is a league made of the most dangerous thieves and criminals in time and in the world.” Although with the evil nudge from V.I.L.E. she decided to be good! She worked against vile, she became a thief who only steals from other thieves to save the world!

Elf on the shelf: 🎅

The elf on the shelf is Santa’s assistant, she helps Santa figure out who’s naughty and who’s nice. She could even be watching you right now!!! Better be good or you’ll get a lump of coal on Christmas! She mostly wears her classic: red leggings, snowflake skirt, full-on top with ruffle sleeves, her santa hat and she will always wear her smile!

Mia : 👩‍🦰

This red haired girl is anything but afraid, she is smart, funny,  adventurous and cool! Mia is one of the girls from ” LEGO friends: Girls on a mission”, Stephanie, Andrea, Olivia and Emma. P.S. herself. Mia and her friends work together to save heartlake city they are true heroes although they don’t have a team name yet!





Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban – Hermione with the Time Turner



Hi readers,

in the drawing i drew Hermione Granger

(Who actually is Emma Watson the actress playing Hermione)

So Hermione is a student at Hogwarts, an academy for wizards, sorcerers and  good witches.

She, Harry Potter and Ron (Ronald Weasley ) go on unexpected adventures!

Hermione is a sarcastic, fun and enjoyable character if you get to know her.

I hope you enjoy my drawing!

–  Janya signing off!

PS there is a picture of her below.

The credit for picture go to the Movie, Behind the scenes, and other resources, i don’t own the pictures

Meet May-Lee and Owlicious

mandala bird mandala owl

“Meet my new  friends May Lee, the peacock and Owlicious, the owl!” 

I sketched out my feather-worthy friends with a black  pen.     

The peacock was drawn recently, and the owl  was drawn 1 year ago.

You may see the improvement i had in the two drawings!

You may  also notice the writing is shorter, from now on i will post mini pieces of writing about the art.

– Janya signing out!


To new beginnings – Caricature


Hi everyone,

Happy New Year!

I went to Santa Cruise Boardwalk, it was super fun,

And there I saw a lady at a stand,

drawing caricatures**  for people.

I watched her draw two men, it was beautiful.

Since it’s a new year and I never done a caricature before,

I got back home,

and began drawing my dad in a caricature version.

I love trying new things and will maybe try even more new

and amazing things!

I love how it turned out, it looked truly magical!

I used bright colors, I tried my best, of course!


Definition: When people or animals are drawn, in a cartoonish way, often enlarging, or minimizing (basically exaggerated) certain unique / striking facial features/ characteristics. With usage of minimal lines but still quite a realistic look with a touch of cartoonism creating a comic feel /grotesque effect.  Sometimes with extra props in the background. Where: Caricatures are mostly done in tourist spots, or fairs, famous events and many more places.

Please comment below!

– Janya signing off

Kawaii Art


Hi readers,

I went to my public library, in the new book section was a book called “Kawaii doodle class sketching super – cute tacos, sushi, clouds, flowers, and more” it is by Zainab Khan creator of pic candle. And because I love drawing, of course I had to check it out!

Once I opened the book, I just loved the kawaii style.

By, now you’d be wondering “what is kawaii?”


Kawaii kind of means cute or cuteness in Japanese, it can be used to name anything cute, but who knew it would become a famous art style, that clearly defines cute! Kawaii art can be a little different depending on who describes it, but most people would say  they are drawn with simple black outlines and colored with pastel colors and are  mostly inanimate objects, that have a rounded appearance, with a face (that looks very cute) they are sometimes drawn with oversized heads and quite smaller bodies! Their expressions are minimal. (The picture below of a  light pink strawberry is done by Zainab Khan all credits go to her for the picture of a strawberry)


I hope you like my kawaii drawing, it’s my first attempt. I kept the theme of artistic objects that most people use to make art! Some mini scenes have meaning and morals, or quotes! I did not look inside the book while drawing, this came out of my inspiration, while I was looking at my workspace at the crayons and the pencils that is how I got the idea! I may color this art piece, if so I’ll post it, but I am not sure. I would love it if you send me some kawaii pictures that you have hand-drawn! Oh, and by the way which is your favorite character comment down below!

– Janya signing out!



💦Rainy days💦




Hi readers, you probably know i love sketching, i sketch all the time, sketching is the foundation of drawing! So in the picture above i drew a young girl, walking from school to home. She is holding up a umbrella and she has a mini suitcase bag. It is also raining but more like drizzling. She reminds me of Nancy Drew**. I hope you like my sketch, I personally love it! 

** Nancy Drew is a famous detective in a book series who solves cases and is really  smart. Its such a good book I encourage you to read the Nancy Drew series too! 

– Janya signing off!

Happy Halloween! 2018

witch painting.jpg

Hi guys, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Today I was so inspired by the Halloween theme!   I  drew this drawing (it may not be spooky but it still looks cute!) with a witch (Lucy Brush) (a good witch!) sitting in an open forest mountain scene. She has her trusty cat friend (sunrise/ sunny) who loves going on adventures! I made vines along with flowers hang from the top, I think it looks beautiful!

In the picture, Lucy Brush, the witch has her hat and the chatty pumpkin with her. The sunrise looks beautiful along with the mountains and plants.

I picture Lucy as a kindhearted, beautiful (on the inside and the outside) and a hero! What do think Lucy looks like? Comment below!  BONUS FUN: send a picture of how Lucy might look like!

– Janya signing off!


Charcoal Crazy!

charcoal 1

charcoal 2

Hi readers, guess what?

I went to the Yosemite Mountains “it is beautiful” the flowers, trees and the birds!  Anyway, we walked and walked through the trails when we came upon a tree; it was burnt for some reason, it was so shrunk in size compared to the other  super tall and ginormous trees so might as well as call it a tree stump.

Wait before you continue here’s a little joke! : How did the tree stump feel when she wasn’t tall enough to go on a roller coaster called paseo aéreo imposible? (which means  impossible air ride!)Ans : She was much stumped!


Now where was I? Oh right so I was like

burnt tree left = coal + creative artist = a coal masterpiece!

so I broke off a couple of pieces like 2 – 3 and wrapped it in a napkin so I don’t get hands messy because it was still wet it kept on breaking apart! When I came back home I couldn’t draw because it was still wet coal; so I waited a couple of days before I started. I loved how even if you make a mistake you can fix it! It also blends very well, my hands got so messy during the process, but that didn’t matter after I finished drawing, just my work did! the one I did with my grid paper was for practice, I personally think that it looks better than the one on top but I really like how wonderful it turned out! Hopefully you like this post. I would love to hear from you, if you have something you want me to try drawing, “I am always up for challenges!”

Don’t forget to comment below!

~ Janya signing off!



one with the nature – peacock

crayon (5)

Hi readers

Bonjour, Hola, Namaste welcome to my blog,

I drew this picture of a beautiful and colorful peacock as a present for my grandparents.I am glad they loved it!I really put a lot in this piece of art! I love how it turned out!!..


… I used special type of  watercolor- pencils(I  used a lots of (colors)so that when  you add a touch of H2o ( also known as water) it makes the color pop!!I think the peacock’s expression looks as if it’s calm, relaxed and a little bit shy! oh! and what are your favorite animals? mine are dolphins, dogs, tropical birds and peacocks of course!in fact i like all animals:) what you think? have any questions  comment below, I would love to hear your answers!!!


My First Anniversary of Blogging 😀


Hi readers,
I am really excited to announce that today is my 1st Anniversary of blogging! When I started my blog, I was a bit nervous, but now it has become the best experience of my life, it takes hard work but I still love it!
I have 37 posts so far, I would like keep adding to my blog.

I hope you like my artwork. Totally Inspired by the anniversary of my blog of course! 😉

I believe

Laughter is timeless!

Imagination has no age!

Dreams are forever!!

Thanks for all your love ❤️
Please comment below.

– Janya signing off


A present 🎁 for my Grandpa

crayon (4)

Hi Readers,

This drawing was a present for my dear grandfather with love. I drew it for him because his favorite animal is Cow.

Because when he was a kid he had a cow, of whom he was very fond of, because she was his friend. He enjoyed sweet, fresh, tasty cow milk every morning, he took care of the cow (he fed the cow and gave her bath and played with the cow)

The cow’s head shape was a bit hard to draw, i used many colors and mixed some too, i drew the drawing with lots of details and i put a lot of hard work into it.

Stay tuned for the next post (Easter Egg Suprise)

Janya  signing off!!! 🙂



My First Artwork at an Exhibit

In my school we have art classes and we were asked to draw “Optical Illusions”. This was the optical illusion I drew. I was so excited when my art work was chosen to represent my school for the annual Youth Art Month Exhibit displayed at the Baylor Scott & White Medical Center. When I drew the optical illusion I used a black marker and color pencils. At the hospital there was a school orchestra playing music and there were refreshments. Many beautiful artworks by students were displayed nicely in the room; every piece of art in the room was creative. I had so much fun looking at the really amazing art there. It was a great life experience! 


Janya signing off!


Jump Rope for Heart –




Meet the Scare Squad – Jax, Disco, Finster, Rocky and Petunia.

The monsters who help scare away heart disease.

Please donate for Jump Rope for Heart to help save children, every penny counts.

Many children have problems with their hearts, they fight for their lives.

They need help and you can give them just that, it will make a big change in their lives and they will thank you for it.

You may think one person (you) cannot make a difference but you can, it all starts from you.

I have started an online donation, I have challenged myself to choose water over sugary drinks. You can donate 5$/1$ or even a cent but please donate.

Have a heart -Make a donation – Help save lives.

To make a donation online, visit my personal page.

Keeping your heart healthy is important too.

Do you know to keep your heart healthy?

Here’s how!

  • Eat fruits and veggies
  • Avoid sugary beverages
  • Drink lot of water
  • Be physically active
  • Avoid tobacco
  • Watch out for salt
  • Have a good night’s sleep
  • Have a doctor check up every year
  • Eat good vitamins/protein


Love, Janya








3d Illusion

IMG_8790Look deeply into to my drawing, what do you see?

Does the hand seem to pop out?

Did you know that it’s just an illusion?

The hand is’nt really there, it just seems that it is a real hand, that’s why it’s an illusion.

It’s so amazing the illusion drawing looks so realistic, it looks like it’s actually there & real.

I love the way it is a unique  type of art.

It can help you to be inpired just like me!

–  Janya signing off!


Happy Valentines Day

IMG_1190 Hi

Happy Valentines Day to everyone!!

Made something special for my dear Teachers & Friends!!! 👭👫👭👫👬

have a wonderful day!💕💕💕

– Janya


Unicorn Magic

unicorns are magical, they are legendary. unicorns are told to be very friendly and kind creatures.

they are quite shy. as said in the books unicorns are rare to see, and if you find them you get 3 wishes!

unicorns right now are a  myth, legend and are said not to be real, but no one really knows, so they could actually be real!

I would love to see one!

This drawing was inspired by unicorns,

I hope this inspires you too!

😉 see you later!

unicorn magic!

“Janya’s” Delightful Bakery


hi readers, I love cooking and baking so I sometimes help my mom in the kitchen. I love it so much, I watch many baking shows like “The Great British Baking Show”. I like the way cooking is fun, experimental, tasty, imagination maker and makes the impossible, possible!  

I drew these delicious bakery treats when I was in 3rd grade, for my dream bakery, make sure you stop at my bakery in the future!!! 😉

PS –  Do order the winter special: smores and the milk chocolate covered strawberries supreme – they are my favorites! 


Janya signing off! 🙂

Fashion of my style 👗

#I love fashion                #fashion-fun               #my – style

Hi, readers !

I was inspired by fashion and that’s why i did these sketches . I decided to put my thoughts  on paper!

I love how it turned out. Future fashion designer here i come!  😉 

I hope you are inspired by this post!. you are gonna see a lot of posts from me soon!!!

Janya signing off!






Phoenix of destiny and Toucan of cuteness

IMG_0867Phoenix: A magical bird, in the color of fire red , golden orchid and mango orange. It has giant elegant wings. Its mysterious and magical creature of beauty told in legendary tales. It is told that a Phoenix never dies, even so it is reborn beautiful and new! The legend never died either.

The  book “Phoenix of destiny “inspired me to draw this beautiful creature. I recommend this book to be read, hope you like it!!!!! 😊😁



Toucan: a one of kind birds, who has a multicolored beak. They are shy and cute!! You gotta love toucans. If they like you they can be very friendly. They mostly live in a forest a ” tropical forest “. They aren’t  just cute they look soo pretty, and chirp unique songs!!
